Case Studies-Uk | The Missing Link

HLB Mann Judd

Written by Rudy Mitra | Jul 13, 2022 6:45:46 AM

Case study by Ben Lyons - Head of Technology, HLB Mann Judd

The Background

HLB Mann Judd NSW is an accounting firm with a difference. We have the tech skills of a Big 4 firm, with the service and personal touch of a small business. Client-centric and highly awarded, HLB has diversified over the years to offer services beyond the traditional accounting and advisory services. We also help clients with debt-financing, estate planning and insurance services.

With approximately 200 staff located in Sydney and internationally, our IT team has a broad remit. This is a big task for an IT team of just four, meaning we rely on strong supplier relationships to help achieve our success.

The Goal

To replace end-of-life infrastructure, networking, storage, and servers with a solution that would be covered by new warranties and allow minimal downtime for the business. Our infrastructure was up to eight years old and our laptops were 3 ½ years old, so the project was quite complex (covering every IT asset within the organisation) and had to come together without any issues.

The solution we were to ultimately decide upon needed to be modular with a reduced thermal and electrical footprint in preparation for potential office relocation in the next few years. And with the increasing mobility and geographic spread of our staff, it was important that the solution we rolled out allowed for seamless access, regardless of where employees were working.

The Selection Process

Before engaging The Missing Link, we had proposals on the table from other suppliers but weren’t entirely happy with the solution being offered. Although we were a significant way through the process with one group, we were not happy with the direction the project was taking. That’s when we decided to bring in The Missing Link.

Despite engaging them late in the process, The Missing Link was able to quickly and easily understand our requirements and offer a solution that could fit within our budget and immoveable timelines. I am someone who undertakes rigorous due diligence when engaging with a new supplier and their recommendations were solid and stood up to my analysis.

Our Relationship

We have worked with The Missing Link’s security division over the past two to three years to perform Security Assessments, User Awareness Training and deploy products, and based on the experience we’d had with them in that arena, we decided to work with them for this infrastructure project.

Ash, our account manager from The Missing Link, as well as Dell’s representative Sasha, operated almost as a single entity and this meant the project was managed extremely well. I was easily able to get the information I needed from either of them at any time and be reassured that the project was on track.

It was also refreshing to know that not only did we have access to an exceptional team of resources, but also, that there is an active and passionate leadership team supporting the outcome. HLB Mann Judd values our client relationships and it is essential we work with partners that share our culture.

The Difference

Something that was important to me was a single vendor solution and The Missing Link was able to provide this for us. They had a team on the ground where we needed them and if there is an issue with any of our assets, I know I can call a single phone number and they’ll provide the help I need, quickly and efficiently and that makes all the difference.