Our long story, short...
Established in 1997, The Missing Link was born from a vision to help businesses achieve their goals with the right IT solutions and services. The current owners, Alex Gambotto, Daniel Forsythe, Aaron Bailey and Sam Marshall continue to deliver on this promise. Drawing on over 25 years of experience, we’re committed to keeping on top of the latest technologies, so you do too. We’re proud to work with businesses from a range of different industries, big and small, to do so.
In 2013, we added a specialised cyber security division in response to the rising threat of cybercrime. Our cyber security division has grown into one of the most respected cyber security groups, with industry-leading expertise and an award-winning team.
Several years later, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) became a commercial reality. By 2019, we had launched an RPA division. The addition ensures we continue to offer our customers complete IT solutions from start to finish and deliver on our goal of helping businesses achieve more by transforming their IT.
In 2021, we were ready for our next challenge and expanded our mission to the UK. As we scale and grow alongside our customers, we deliver the same dedicated service and solutions our current customers have become accustomed to.